Influence of media in higher education


  • Mohana Kannan N Vels Institute of Science, Technology& Advanced Studies (VISTAS), Pallavaram, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
  • Sheeba K Vels Institute of Science, Technology& Advanced Studies (VISTAS), Pallavaram, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India


There has already been a widespread impact of web 2.0 on students' learning environments. Due to the proliferation of online services in tertiary education, students' learning and study habits are constantly changing. In addition to using Google and Wikipedia in their free time, students use these services to learn as well. Despite this, they still rely on traditional information media, like textbooks or printed handouts, to aid their learning. We conducted a long-term study of media use in tertiary education to determine how it has changed over time. Educational institutions can reach students worldwide through media, which plays a key role in globalizing education. As a result of this process, higher education is able to establish an international market.


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media, higher education, students, e-learning, Digital Learning, Educational Content, Student Engagement, Online Resources




How to Cite

Mohana Kannan N, & Sheeba K. (2023). Influence of media in higher education. GRT Journal of Education, Science and Technology, 1(1), 21–25. Retrieved from



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