Transformational trends in inclusive education
This paper explain about the transformational trends in inclusive education, the term inclusion are increasingly being used in place of the term main streaming. Students with disabilities of all types are placed and instructed in the regular classrooms of their neighborhood schools as part of full inclusion, regardless of severity of the disability. As an inclusive education programme does not focus on accommodating these children in a general education setting, inclusion describes more than just accepting children with disabilities or exceptionalities into the main stream. However, they are concerned with restricting the ability of schools to fulfill all the needs of their students. Students with disabilities are increasingly being educated in regular classrooms with their peers of a similar age, as well as receiving extra assistance needed by disabilities in regular classes. In order to encourage acceptance and social integration of students with disabilities, every effort should be made to involve them in regular class activities. Physical disabilities, mental disabilities, emotional disabilities, and learning disabilities are some of the more common special needs. The use of technology, a specific adapted teaching area, or resources for students with such disabilities may prove beneficial to students with these kinds of disabilities.
Inclusive, Disability, Barriers, Education, Technology, Students needsDownloads
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